
GlossaryInstagram Analytics

Instagram Analytics

What is Instagram Analytics?

Instagram analytics is a free tool within the Instagram app which gives you insights into your followers/ audience and key metrics/data around your performance.

How to access Instagram Analytics?

Instagram Analytics, or ‘insights’ as they are called within the app, are currently available to all business and creator accounts. Once you open the app and visit your profile, you will see the insights button right underneath your bio.

When you’re in the analytics section of the app you’ll see an overview and then be able to look more closely at insights about your audience, content, and track key metrics.

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Why are Instagram analytics important?

Using insights to inform your social media strategy can help you to grow your Instagram account. The data within Instagram analytics will tell you who your current audience is, what type of content they engage with and the times they are most engaged and so much more to help you improve your content strategy and potentially reach a wider audience.

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