
What is Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness is how familiar an audience is familiar and recognizes your brand and your product and service. If your brand is recognizable enough, people will trust you and your brand enough to buy from you.

Why is brand awareness important?

When it comes to building a brand, figuring out how people are going to experience your branding for the first time is incredibly important. How do you want them to feel about you when they experience your brand? Your biggest advocates for your brand are going to be fans of your brand, so making sure to build an effective brand strategy will help you cultivate a community that supports you and shares your brand every step of the way.

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How to increase brand awareness

When it comes to building brand awareness, social media is going to be your biggest asset. But … how do you capture the attention of your followers instead of being that sad little post that gets scrolled right past? We’ve got a few ideas for you:

1. Brand voice

Brand voice is essential when it comes to building brand awareness. If you have a very distinct voice online, people will respond to that. The best way to stand out amongst the crowd? To not be like everyone else. Give yourself some personality. Add some spice. Be funny. Be sassy. Just give people something that screams PERSONALITY, and you’ll go far.

2. Consistent branding

If you want people to recognize your brand, making sure that your branding across all social media platforms and your online presence, in general, are consistent is essential. Make sure all of your profile pictures are similar and on brand. Make sure your voice is consistent and on brand. Don’t confuse your audience by not being completely recognizable.

3. Use hashtags

Hashtags are still alive and kicking and making sure that you use the most relevant hashtags possible for your content will help your posts go further. Even better, creating your own branded hashtags that people can use, track, and recognize as your brand will be a great way for you to build brand awareness.

4. Comment on posts

If you want to get engagement on your own posts, you need to start commenting on others. Plus, the more you comment on other people's social media pages, the more people will recognize your brand handle and get curious about who and what you are. It’s a great strategy to build brand awareness.

5. Partner with creators

Working with creators can be one of the easiest, best, and most effective ways to spread awareness about your brand. Find a creator that loves your product or service and makes sense to work with, and see if you can create a partnership where they promote you on their channels.

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