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50 Questions To Ask on Instagram to Boost Your Engagement

Want more engagement on your IG? Why not ask some questions? If you’re struggling with what to ask, we’ve got you. Here are 50 things to ask your audience on Instagram!

Posted 3 years ago

Written by

Alex Rosone
Posted 3 years ago
So, you want to increase your Instagram engagement? Yeah, we don’t blame you. Sometimes it feels like you’re doing absolutely everything in your power to get better engagement and it’s just … stalled. But have no fear! We are here to help!
One of the best ways to increase your engagement with your audience is to ask questions! People love to offer their opinions, be it on something controversial or something trivial, so polling your audience is a great way to improve your relationships and boost your social media presence. 🎉
If you’re trying to think of something engaging to ask and you’re coming up short, or if you’re looking to refresh your usual questions and find creative new options, have a look at this list and see what works for you. There are myriad ways to customize questions to better fit your specific brand, and we are happy to get you started.


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A post shared by Olivia (@livpurvis)

Questions to ask your audience to boost your Instagram engagement 🤔

  1. Would you rather ___ ?
  2. Who will win ___ ?
  3. Which is your favorite ___ ?
  4. How can we help you reach your goals?
  5. What are you most passionate about?
  6. What is your ideal product/service from us?
  7. Want an exclusive offer?
  8. Which is better ___ ?
  9. What do you want to see in our social media content?
  10. What do you want to see from our brand?
  11. What do you need to make today amazing?
  12. Where do you see yourself in three years?
  13. What questions do you have for us?
  14. Why are you optimistic today?
  15. What are three words you would use to describe yourself/our brand?
  16. What are your top three most-used apps?
  17. What do you usually share on social media?
  18. How does social media benefit you?
  19. What do you find most entertaining on social media?
  20. What do you use apps for the most?
  21. What are your favorite social media features?
  22. What are you most grateful for today?
  23. What is one way you can improve your life right now?
  24. What inspires you?
  25. What is one quality of your dream life?


    View this post on Instagram


    A post shared by Lucy Moon (@iamlucymoon)

  26. What is one thing you can do today to reach your goals?
  27. If you could create an app, what would it be?
  28. What is your favorite way to spend free time?
  29. What do you love about your job?
  30. How does social media influence the way you shop?
  31. What is something you might take for granted?
  32. How do you push yourself to be more creative every day?
  33. Where do you find your spark?
  34. What are your biggest barriers?
  35. How comfortable are you with change?
  36. What is one thing you think needs to be changed about our world?
  37. What are some things you’re interested in learning more about?
  38. Do you prefer posting or watching stories? Why?
  39. When you use social media, which app do you check first? Why?
  40. Does your mood affect your behavior on social media?
  41. How does social media affect your mood?
  42. If you could win any award, what would it be?
  43. What is your idea of a perfect Sunday?
  44. How can entertainment be educational?
  45. Does technology make our lives simpler or more complicated?
  46. What apps have changed your life?
  47. What is something you wish you had more time to do?
  48. How has your life changed in the past year?
  49. What three things would you bring with you into outer space?
  50. What is one thing you can’t live without?
Let’s try some out! We have a feeling you’re going to get some answers that will further inspire your content. Here’s to elevating your Instagram presence and increasing engagement! 🎉
Want to dig deeper into creating captions for your account? We’ve got a FREE Instagram caption course to help you with taking your captions to the next level. Plus, you’ll get access to our 30-days of FREE Instagram caption template. Yeah, you’re welcome. 💅

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