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Tips for Using Flick’s Mobile App

Tips for finding hashtags on the go with our brand new hashtag app for Instagram. Explore the best practices for an efficient strategy, from your phone.

Posted 4 years ago
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Written by

Julia Cohen
Posted 4 years ago
Just yesterday, we launched our updated Mobile hashtag App for Instagram, which now has all of the features you already love about Flick on Desktop ā€“ on your phone. This is a game-changer because it now means that you can search for new hashtags, add them to Collections, audit your selection to remove too competitive hashtags and so much more. To get you used to using hashtags on the go, weā€™re talking through a few of our tips and tricks for getting the most out of the new mobile app.

Find relevant hashtags, quickly šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø

One of the biggest changes weā€™ve made to the mobile app is the ability to actually search for hashtags on your phone. This means you can type in any relevant hashtag to your post or account, and find related results in-app. Using this feature is beneficial for mobile app development because it speeds up your efficiency from searching to posting. You can collect relevant hashtags, export them, and post directly to your feed. Here are a few tips for finding hashtags faster on the app:
  1. If you start a search, you can explore related hashtags to your results. What we mean by this, is that if you search the hashtag ā€˜#veganrecipesā€™ and one of the suggested hashtags is ā€˜#tofumealā€™, you can swipe right on this hashtag to expand it. This lets you explore more hashtags that are related to ā€˜#tofumealā€™, giving you a whole host of new results, without you having to think of new hashtag keywords to search.
  2. If youā€™ve already created Collections and you know you want to use hashtags from a specific selection, you can easily navigate to your related Collections in-app. Using the same example as above, you may already have a Collection called ā€˜Vegan Recipesā€™ where you have saved a variety of high-performing hashtags for your account. You can click into this Collection, select the hashtags you want to use, and export them, directly to your clipboard.
  3. Similarly, you can favourite your frequently used Collections. If you find you are always using hashtags from a specific Collection, you can choose to ā€˜favouriteā€™ it, so it appears on your home screen and is easily accessible.

Create Collections from your phone šŸ“‚

Speaking of Collections, you can now create new hashtag Collections in-app, which means you can more easily and frequently update your hashtag strategy. As you post you can not only search for relevant hashtags, but you can also save them to your Collections as you go, for future use. If you havenā€™t yet built out your hashtag strategy, you can check this guide for a more in-depth walkthrough, but you should be organizing your Collections of hashtags based on their niche and/or size.
hashtag app 2020 instagram
New Collections can sometimes be difficult to put together in advance in case your content changes, you post a new format, or you decide to post something that isnā€™t planned. So, anytime you make a new search you should think about adding the hashtags you select to a new Collection, or, adding them to an existing Collection. You can build out your Collections in-app as you go if you prefer to analyze and search for hashtags as you post, which means you are building your strategy as you search, saving you time and making your process more efficient.

Use filters to refine your results šŸ“Š

In order to make sure that the hashtags you are using will be effective for your specific account size and performance, you need to pay attention to hashtag metrics. These give you an indication as to which hashtags are actually suited to your account, based on their size, daily posts, and the average engagement rate of the people who are ranking on them.
hashtag app filters
Within Flickā€™s hashtag app for Instagram, you can refine your search results, either by using ā€˜customā€™ or ā€˜smartā€™ filters. Smart filters are Flickā€™s automatic suggested filters, which analyze your account and apply filters that should work for you. If you want to customize your filters, you can search just for hashtags within ranges, taking into account:
Average Likes: The average number of likes received on content in the ā€˜top 9 posts.ā€™
Media Count: The number of posts within a hashtag.
DAPC: The average number of posts published in a hashtag on a given day (tracked over 24 hours).
You can save your filters as presets, which means you only have to set them once, and can use the filters you have tailored on every search you do in the future. All you have to do is navigate to your saved custom filters or our smart filters and apply them to your search!
šŸ’”You can also use these filters to add specific hashtags to your Collections. A lot of our users like to build out their Collections based on hashtag competitiveness or size, so if you set your filters to specific parameters that are in line with your Collections, you can add any new hashtags accordingly.

Audit before you export šŸ“²

Once you are ready to export your hashtags, you want to make sure they are strategic. They need to match up to your average Instagram performance and account size to give you the best chance of ranking.
One of our most-loved features is that you can audit your Collections before you export them, so you can make sure your selection is balanced in terms of competitive and non-competitive hashtags. Once youā€™re happy with your hashtag selection for your post or Collection, just click on your selected hashtags and view the number of low, medium, and high competition hashtags. You can then remove any hashtags that arenā€™t suitable, or create a better balance if you find you have too many high competition hashtags, for example.
hashtag app audit instagram

Copy and paste šŸ‘

The biggest benefit of managing hashtags on the go is the ability to copy and paste selected hashtags straight to your posts. This means no more sending hashtags to yourself, no more Notes section, and no more stress. When you are ready to post, just select your hashtags, audit, and export them. This will immediately copy your selection to your clipboard which you can paste directly to your caption or comments!

How to analyze your performance šŸ¤”

Within the new app, you are able to view the Analytics of any of your linked Instagram accounts. This includes your follower change, the number of people you have reached, and your profile visits and posts made in a week. You can also view a topline overview of how your most recent post performed, and whether you ranked on any hashtags for that post. If you join using the app, we will automatically start to track your posts and our new email reports will provide you with all of the key analytics you need.
If however, you want to view the top-performing hashtags for your account, the hashtags that arenā€™t working well for you, or you want to view your performance and hashtag tracking on specific posts, youā€™ll still need to visit our desktop Analytics, so keep this in mind!
We hope you are as excited as we are to start using our new Instagram hashtag app. Just click on the banner below to download and get to using hashtags on the go!


Find relevant hashtags, quickly šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø

Create Collections from your phone šŸ“‚

Use filters to refine your results šŸ“Š

Audit before you export šŸ“²

Copy and paste šŸ‘

How to analyze your performance šŸ¤”

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